Optimizing Rate Limiting in Swift: A Step-by-Step Guide

Emre Degirmenci,SwiftServerOptimization

In today's digital landscape, managing the flow of requests to your server is crucial, especially when dealing with high traffic. Rate limiting ensures that no single user or IP address overwhelms your system by sending too many requests in a short period. In this post, I'll walk you through creating an efficient rate-limiting algorithm in Swift, breaking down the code into simple steps.

Imagine you’re building a service that receives thousands of requests per second. To prevent abuse, you decide to limit the number of requests each IP address can make within a one-second window. Any additional requests beyond this limit should be rejected.

To solve this, we need an algorithm that:

We start by defining a function that will take a list of requests and the rate limit (in requests per second). Each request contains an ID, an IP address, and a timestamp indicating when the request was made.

func rejectedRequests(requests: [String], limitPerSec: Int) -> [Int] {
    var rejectedIndices: [Int] = []
    var ipRequestCount: [String: [Int: Int]] = [:] // [IP: [Timestamp: Count]]

We loop through each request, splitting it into its ID, IP address, and timestamp.

for (index, request) in requests.enumerated() {
    let parts = request.split(separator: " ")
    guard parts.count == 3,
          let id = Int(parts[0]),
          let timestamp = Int(parts[2]) else {
        continue // Skip malformed requests
    let ip = String(parts[1])

Next, we initialize tracking for each IP address if it hasn’t been seen before.

if ipRequestCount[ip] == nil {
    ipRequestCount[ip] = [:]

This step ensures that we have a place to store the count of requests for each timestamp associated with the IP address.

To ensure our algorithm only considers requests made within the last second, we remove any timestamps that are too old.

We then sum up all the requests made by this IP address in the last second.

let requestInLastSecond = ipRequestCount[ip]!.values.reduce(0, +)

Based on the count, we either reject the request (if it exceeds the limit) or accept it and update our records.

if requestInLastSecond >= limitPerSecond {
} else {
    ipRequestCount[ip]![timestamp, default: 0] += 1

Finally, after processing all requests, we return the list of rejected request IDs.

return rejectedIndices

To ensure our function works correctly, we can test it with a few cases:

let test1 = rejectedRequests(requests: ["1 50000", "2 50100", "3 50210", "4 50300", "5 51000", "6 60300"], limitPerSecond: 1)
print("Test 1 result:", test1) // Expected: [3, 4]
let test2 = rejectedRequests(requests: ["10 50000", "20 50000", "30 50000"], limitPerSecond: 2)
print("Test 2 result:", test2) // Expected: [30]
let test3 = rejectedRequests(requests: ["1 50000", "2 50900", "3 51000", "4 51500"], limitPerSecond: 2)
print("Test 3 result:", test3) // Expected: [4]

By following this approach, you can build a robust rate-limiting mechanism in Swift that efficiently handles large numbers of requests while ensuring no single IP address can flood your system. This method balances simplicity with performance, making it an ideal solution for real-world applications.

Whether you're working on a backend server or building a mobile app, understanding and implementing rate limiting is crucial for maintaining system stability and preventing abuse. With this guide, you now have the tools to implement your own rate limiter in Swift, tailored to your specific needs. Happy coding!

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